Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Specialist subject investigation

Specialist subject investigation

Wednesday 11th September 2013

A check list on how to research my chosen subject to get the best possible research.

1) check your sources
  • Internet
  • Books
  • Pictures (sometime can be)
  • Magazines
 The Skill - Evaluate information found in your sources on the basis of accuracy, validity and appropriateness for the needs and importance, this means for mean that I must check that the source I am reading is reliable and which source are not reliable e.g. on the Internet a reliable source would be the BBC and an non reliable source would be Wikipedia. I should always try to use books as books are more reliable then the Internet.

2) Ask Good Questions

The Skill - Developing and refining the search queries to get a better search result, this means more me that I need to be more specific in what I am trying to find out about my subject in Google so I can achieve the result that I want also try to ask question on what I am finding out so I can do more research.

3) Good beyond the surface

The Skill -  displaying persistence by continuing to pursue information to gain a broader perspective, this means for me I need to break down my chosen subject in to different section so I can research a certain section that I need and that some section linking in to each other.

Example of displaying the broken down section of the chosen subject being displayed in a thought tree.

4) Be Persistent
The Skill - displaying emotional resilience by persisting in information searching despite the challenges, this means for me is that I must not give up even if I cant find the information that I want but try to find different ways to research the chosen topic to help me to get the information that I will need.

Other ways could be....
  • Go and see the play that your are studying in the west end to get my own audience experience.
  • use books if the Internet cant help.
  • use You Tube if there is no DVD of the play that I am studying.

5) Respect Ownership
The Skill Respecting intellectual property right of creator and producers referencing your work, this means for me is I need to reference where I got the information from if  the information is from a playwright I should quote their name in my work.

6) Use your network
The Skill - Use social media networks to gather and share information, this means I should use social media networks to ask for people opinion on questions that I have posted and also ask for people opinions on a play they might have seen.

Social media sites I could use...
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Blogs

Academic Honesty (referencing work) 

Wednesday 18th September 2013

Academic Honesty
Acknowledging someone else's ideas and opinions when writing assignments and not getting any extra help form parents, friends and teacher, when you have said you have completed the work it must be done by yourself.

citation in the body of the assignment you need to put the authors surname or corporate author, year of publication and page number if it is an exact quote.

Bibliography - corporate author, author, date published, year of publication, title.

Paraphrase- you need to reference the sources used when you paraphrase.


Sky News HD,2013,"Brit" wanted to raise sex slaves; US police", Available from, accessed 17/04/2013

Liz Mcclarnon,2013,what I ate today, in Health and Fitness, September, p34


Corfield.R.,2007, preparing the perfect CV, 4th edition, India, Replilica Press PVT LTD 

Wednesday 25th September 

What are primary and secondary research?

How can we keep a research log?

Primary research 
What is primary research? 
Research that is collected by someone in forms of a questionnaire, interviews and is tailored to particular need.

Secondary research 
What is secondary research?
The analysing of information that has already been collect and it is information hat you gather from a place.
E.g. Books, Internet and magazines.

How important is a research log and what can it include?

So you can display where you got the research from e.g. Book or Internet.

Bibliography, dates, your research plan and a reference list.

My ideas of for a topic that I could research.

Wednesday 2nd September 2013

Now that I have chosen my subject of Higher Education University Vs. Drama School I started to action plan what I need to achieve by a certain dates to be ready to present my proposal on why I want to study this topic and how am I going to get the research.

Presentation skills

Wednesday 9th September 2013

skills need:
  • clear vocals - I must use this skills so my audience can understand the information I am telling them and also so I have their attention.
  • confidence - I must have confidence as I wouldn't be able to present my presentation  also that I have confidence on what I am saying so I know what I am saying to my audience with worrying about what I am saying.
  • decent research - I must do this so I have a full understanding of the topic I am talking about and that I have the facts that I am telling the audience are right and correct and that I haven't made the fact up on the spot.
  • Interesting - I must chose a topic that is interesting for me to research and is interesting for the audience when I present it to them so they can have some understanding and interest in what I am saying.
  • look presentable - I must be presentable when presenting my presentation as it so to audience that I have taken time and an interest in making my presentation.
  • Preparation - I must know what I am saying to audience and I shouldn't be reading of my notes as this shows audience that I have prepared what I am presenting.
  •  Moving around the space/giving an performance/owning the space - I must use this as it can keep the audience focus moving around the space and to show that I am not just standing still I am making the presentation engaging for the audience.
  • Varying the tone of voice - I must vary the tone of voice so I don't send the audience to sleep as talking like a robot doesn't keep the audience interested for long.
  • Visuals - I could use Music, PowerPoint, Pictures, Diagrams and Demonstrations this will help brake up my presentation for the audience so they don't just have to look and listen to words.
  •  Engaging the audience - I must engage the audience by asking them question on what I am teaching them though my presentation as I can see what people have learnt though what I have told them and also to show what the weakness of my presentation are.
  • Timings - I must keep to the time that I told me audience on how long the presentation is going to be as they know how long their attention is focused on me and if I go over I know that I am going to lose their attention. 
  • Equipment and Resources - I must make sure that the equipment like a projector, laptop and resource such as any hand outs are ready before I present my presentation so this doesn't waste any of my presentation time.
  • Body Language and Eye Contact - I must have a positive body language by being open but not having my arms crossed and using gestures to explain a point but also having eye contact with the audience shows that I am talking to them not the walls and the celling.