Tuesday 28 October 2014

Performing Arts Business

Performing Arts Business 

11th September 2014


During this lesson we started to look at the University's or Drama Schools that we might look at, we were shown a powerpoint listing the top 10 University's and Drama Schools in the UK and we needed to research where want to study. 

My First Idea's was 

2) Central      2 Drama schools 

1) Colchester Insituite
2) University of Essex 
3) University of East London                                 3/4 University's 
4) Manchester Metropolitan University          

this what the research I had done.........

18th September 2014 

Persoanl statements 

during todays lesson we started to look at what needs to go in a personal statement, we looked at the does and don`ts. 

we started to list the Univerasitys and Drama schools that we had looked at in to our top 5 of the ones that we wanted to apply for. 

My Oringal Top 5 were ......
1) Univeristy of East London 
3) Cental 
4/5) University of Essex 
4/5) Colchester Insitiute
?) Manchester Metropolian 

with this first list  I was going to look around the Universitys and Drama schools first to get a better look around and the feel of univeristy,  but this list we decide on the bases of what was involved with the course bases on the university or drama school website, 

After looking at the Websites I change my list to add a univeristy that we had talked about in class which I like the look of the course. 

My new top 5 are ......
1) University of East London
3) Manchester Arden 
4/5) University of Essex
4/5) Colchester Insitiute 
?) Mancester Metropolitan 

25th September 2014 

Today we started our application for UCAS as well stating to make our final desiosn for what university's we are going to apply for. 

The Universitys that I have applied for are 

  1.  Manchester Arden
  2. LIPA
  3. University of East London
  4. University of Essex 
  5. Colchester Institute 


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